The next Integrative Living Coaching Sprint starts June 6, 2023 (Only 2 spots left!)

Live the life you REALLY want

To be where you've never been, you will have to do things you've never done. Donato is here to support you.

Welcome to the invite-only
Integrative Living Coaching Program

If you are here is because you are ready to commit to serious change in your life. I look forward to supporting you in this journey.
To get started, I humbly ask you to watch this video 19 minute explaining what the program is like, why I am doing it, what and who it is for, and what it takes to be part of it.
If you like it, keep reading....

3-Month Sprint Structure

60min Weekly Private Coaching session

Done in person or online, same day and time every week. We will set these up before the course starts to fit your schedule.

1hr Weekly Online Lecture Live

Every Tuesday 6-7PM, via Zoom with the rest of the group. We will cover all the technology and tools of the Integrative Living Model.

1 Week Break

We will take 1 week of integration, rest and relaxation break in the middle of the Sprint. Enjoy!

Weekly Homework

Simple but powerful assignements to integrate concepts into your new life and help you focus on achieving your goals.

NOTE1: Participation in these is mandatory and your spot in the program depends on it. Exceptions can be made in case of emergencies.
NOTE2: If you don't do your homework, you forfeit your Private Coahing session for the week (since you won't have work done to review)

Required Commitments

Simple Proper Nutrition

You will consume/eat/drink CLEAN according to your lifestyle.
This will be customized for each student.
(No hard drugs or Adderall, etc. allowed)

Daily Mental Presence Ritual

20-30 mins of meditation, breathwork and/or cold exposure to get the most important person in your life taken care of first.

Content Detox

For the 3 months you will not consume any podcasts, audio books, documentaries, or watch the news. This is key to keep you focused. Joe Rogan can wait.
(you can listen to music and watch movies, only for fun)

Daily Movement Ritual

5-10 mintue basic calisthenics workout to keep you strong.
(required even if you workout already)

No Social Media

You will uninstall ALL social media apps from your phone, including YouTube. This prevents you from wasting attention. Also, no dating apps or porn.
(limited career-based exceptions can be made)

Daily Rest and Relaxation Ritual

You will develop a habit of unwinding before going to bed, so that you can get quality rest.
(No phones in the bedroom)

Don't worry! All of these will be explained to you clearly BEFORE you sign up for the program...

Financial Commitment

One payment of $6000

Paid in full at the beginning of the course

3 payments of $2250

Paid in the fist session, at day 30 and day 60

Results or Money Back

If you do all your work but you get no results, I give you all your money back, no questions asked.

1.- Before you ask for a lower price, ask yourself: What is changing your life worth to me?
2.- Pricing will go up every time I run these courses, as demand will increase and my time will be more limited. So, if you want to get a good deal, sign up now.
3.- Payments can be done via Venmo, Cash App or Zelle. Credit card payments also allowed, but there is a 3% fee.

What else is included

Here are some extras included in the program that are additional to the formal structure above.

Focused Attention

Since I work with a maximum of 5 clients at a time, my focus is on YOU and in supporting you in your journey. Also I am commited to your time slot weekly no matter what!

Free Wellness Classes

In the duration of the sprint you can come to ANY of my PUBLIC classes and workshops for free and have a automatically reserved spot. This includes the Miami Ice Club, all workshops, even Zen of Shooting (does not include retreats)

Direct Access

You will have access to me directly. Have any questions about the homework? Didn't understand a concept? Need to talk? I will respond in 12hours max, but I am usually available immediately for any "emergencies".

What past clients are saying

These are the testimonials from just a few of the people I've been able to help in the past. THEY did all the hard work, I just guided them and supported them along the way.

"After all these years, and after having done so many things, I didn't know I was not good at having fun. IL Transformed how I look at my life, and showed me a new way to live it!""

JC Carey, Miami

"Donato is so very successful is in his ability to relate very technical or complex concepts into very easy practice/ useful information in a fun learning environment."

Mark Alan Diaz, MAD Design Group, LA

"You are Genius. Thanks for sharing your wisdom and teaching me in such a raw way how to live my life with love and in peace, even in the hurricane of life I have inside and out."

Emilse Longo, Tennis Pro

Next Integrative Living Coaching Sprint is May 16 to August 15

Ready to make the commitment?

The last step is to do a 25-minute call where we talk about your goals, discuss schedules, next steps, and answer any questions you may have about the program. After that you may, or may not, be invited to join this upcoming group. I just want to make sure you are REALLY ready, and that we are a good fit for each other.

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